Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science

Degree Discipline



A Proposed Program in Agricultural Extension Works for Negroes in Smith County, Texas.

County Extension Agents, of today, know that one of the greatest problems facing agents is to work out the most desirable kind of a county Program. A program that reaches the most significant problems of farm people problems that are holding back the progress of agriculture and affecting the well-being and happiness of large numbers of people.

With several years' experience and training in a new approach to program building, the writer proposes to study available literature, summarize findings in literature, plan a procedure for developing a Program in Smith County, and modify the procedure so that it will have general application.

The logical starting point in County Agricultural extension program development is to define Extension Work in general.

Extension Work is an out-of-school system of education in which adults and young people learn by doing.

It is a partnership between the government, the land-grant Colleges, and the people, which provide service and education designed to meet the needs of people.

Its fundamental objective is the development of the people. If there is to be progress and not mere evolution in the development of people, the objectives of extension must be clearly and periodically determined in view of progress and changed conditions.

The fundamental objective of program building is to teach people how to analyze and solve their own problems with the help of the Extension Service. If this program-building process achieves this objective, the results, measurable in social and economic progress will justify the efforts.

Committee Chair/Advisor

R. M. Norris

Committee Member

J. M. Coruthers

Committee Member

G. L. Smith

Committee Member

W. N. Williamson

Committee Member

J. L. Matthews


Prairie View Agricultural And Mechanical College


© 2021 Prairie View A & M University

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

Date of Digitization


Contributing Institution

John B Coleman Library

City of Publication

Prairie View





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