Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science

Degree Discipline



Increasing recognition is being given to health as a primary objective of education. The acceptance of health instruction as a necessary function of the school and college, to lead students into more favorable health practices, brings with it an obligation to appraise the effectiveness of the instruction. The measurement of individual knowledge about hygiene, by means of an objective, standardized written test, is a valuable procedure in guiding, evaluating, and improving health education.

The main objective of this study is to determine as near as possible by test, the quantity, and quality of health knowledge of fifty Prairie View graduate students. This involved four steps: (l) the administering of the Stanford Health Knowledge test, (2) the grading and tabulation of this data, (3) the evaluation and interpretation of this data, (4.) preparation of a summary, and recommendation for the study.

Importance of the study

This study is important because our graduate students are teachers as well as community leaders in their respective homes. They should have a degree of knowledge and a desire for better health in order to better the schools and communities they represent. By ascertaining our leaders' health knowledge, we may get some index as to what is being taught and done alone the lines of public health in our high schools and communities. These graduate students as professional leaders in their respective communities should be able to aid parents to understand the importance of alert daily health observation of their own children and to help them to realize the necessity for early referral to experts when evidence of illness or disorder is apparent. Furthermore, the results reported here may point to the effectiveness of these students' undergraduate education programs. Therefore, we seek to determine in this study how much health knowledge is retained by these students.

Committee Chair/Advisor

J. I. Thomas

Committee Member

W. J. Nicks

Committee Member

Dorothy Phelps

Committee Member

J. Mitchem

Committee Member

H. T. Jones


Prairie View Agricultural and Mechanical College


© 2021 Prairie View A & M University

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

Date of Digitization


Contributing Institution

John B Coleman Library

City of Publication

Prairie View





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