Date of Award
Document Type
Degree Name
Master of Science
Degree Discipline
Physical Education
The purpose of this study: First, to analyze and evaluate the Physical Education Program at Prairie View University; second, to formulate a standard for judging this type of program; and third, to recommend a workable program for Prairie View.
It is the writer's hope that the formulation will be helpful as a guide for organizing programs and departments now rendering only limited service. The evaluation will attempt to show the favorable and unfavorable conditions, offering suggested revisions so that available facilities for the latter will better serve pupils who probably are being denied privileges to which they are entitled.
Contrary to what may be the first impression on reading the title of the study, research has been unduly handicapped by lack of a rich primary source of material. This lack, a challenge in itself, has limited the writer to meager findings, but it has been found that the program at Prairie View has been of a peculiar sort in its origin and development which follows a similar pattern of the origin and development of physical education in the United States.
The American Association for Health, Physical Education, and Recreation is the result of a merger of the American Physical Education Association and the Department of School Health and Physical Education of the National Education Association in 1939. The Department of School Health and Physical Education had its beginning as the Department of Child Study. The name of the American Association was changed to American Physical Education Association. The association publishes The Journal of Health and Physical Education and The Research Quarterly.1
Youth, in the American Democracy today, face a world shaken and torn by the chaotic aftermath of a great world conflict. Education alone stands solid in the face of mounting odds from economic and social confusion. Personal and human shortages are to be dealt with as well as economic and social shortcomings.
Our common joys and communities furnish a source for health, physical education and recreation helping them to play a greater part in our lives. In this study the writer tries not only to show the favorable conditions that exist but attempts to relate constructive suggestions from time to time as a result of his findings.
The need of a new and revised program is evident. Ever changing conditions demand a flexible program that will cope with any situation that may arise. The sudden change of Prairie View College to a University created a bigger strain on the Physical Education Department. This department had many problems in serving the college. Now it finds that it must raise itself to a University level.
1. The National Education Association, Addresses and Proceedings, (Indianapolis, 1943, vol. 81,) pp. 83-84.
Committee Chair/Advisor
J. M. Drew
Prairie View University
© 2021 Prairie View A & M University
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.
Date of Digitization
Contributing Institution
John B Coleman Library
City of Publication
Prairie View
Recommended Citation
Lee, W. M. (1946). An Evaluation of the Physical Education Program at Prairie View University Prairie View, Texas. Retrieved from
Page numbers 12 and 16 used twice; page 30 repeats.