"Distribution Of Heavy Metals In Soil Peripheral To A Solid Waste Landf" by Tajudeen Ayinla Lawal

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science in Chemistry

Degree Discipline

Civil Engineering


The influence of a solid waste landfill on the accumulation of Pb and Cd in soil profiles within and peripheral to the landfill is reported. Along select transects from the center of the landfill, soil samples at 5 depths within the profile were collected at the lower slope and upper slope in the landfill and in pasture peripheral to the landfill during the months of April and July. Relatively high concentrations of Pb and Cd (80 ppm and 1.5 ppm mean concentration respectively) were detected throughout the soil profiles sampled in the lower slope area as a response to the subsoil leachates and surface runoff of heavy metals dispersed in soil matrix. Concentrations of Pb and Cd averaging slightly higher than background levels were found in the soil profiles (8 ppm and 0.5 ppm mean concentration respectively) in the upper slope area. The effect of the creek which serves as a barrier to the movement of the leachate from the landfill prevented Pb and Cd moving out of the landfill and contaminating the soil profiles in the pasture area peripheral to the landfill. The results of this study identifies two possible useful practices in designing and management of solid waste landfill; one, the effect of slope to remove heavy metal leachate along predetermined transects allowing for the self reclamation of the landfill, and two, to provide a water barrier separating the landfill from, adjacent useful land. The creek serves as a barrier in which the heavy metal contaminant can be isolated and moved into retaining pools thus they can be reused or disposed of in isolation. These practices would aid in developing landfills having minimum adverse impact to the environment.

Committee Chair/Advisor

Eugene Brams

Committee Member


Committee Member

John Williams


Prairie View A&M University


© 2021 Prairie View A & M University

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

Date of Digitization


Contributing Institution

John B Coleman Library

City of Publication

Prairie View





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