

The highest efficiency score 1 (100% efficiency) is regarded as a common benchmark for Decision Making Units (DMUs). This brings about the existence of more than one DMU with the highest score. Such a case normally occurs in all Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) models and also in all the Common Set of Weights (CSWs) methods and it may lead to the lack of thorough ranking of DMUs. And ideal DMU based on its specific structure is a unit that no unit would do better than. Therefore, it can be utilized as a benchmark for other units. We are going to take advantage of this feature to introduce a linear programming problem that will produce CSWs. The proposed method assures that the efficiency of all the units is less than that of the benchmark unit. As a result, it provides a comprehensive ranking of DMUs. Moreover, the proposed method is also noteworthy regarding computation. A numerical example is suggested to clarify and explain the proposed method and compare it to two other CSWs methods. Finally, 33 universities in Iran were ranked and compared using the proposed method.
