

We have studied the existence, location and stability of the libration points in the model of restricted four-body problem (R4BP) with variable mass. It is assumed that three primaries, one dominant primary and the other two with equal masses, are always forming an equilateral triangle. We have determined the equations of motion of the above mentioned problem for the fourth body which is an infinitesimal mass. The libration points have been determined numerically for different values of the parameters considered. It is found that there are eight or ten libration points out of which six are non-collinear and two or four are collinear depending upon the values of mass parameter and the constant of proportionality occurring in Jeans’ law. The regions of motion of the infinitesimal mass have been drawn and investigated. We have also examined the stability of each libration point and found that all the libration points are unstable. Further, the Newton-Raphson basins of attraction are drawn for different set of parameters used.
