Date of Award


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Degree Name

Master of Science

Degree Discipline



Purposes, habits, interests, and tastes are all a part of what we call the "self" or "personality." Most personalities include a wide range of ambitions and ideals; hopes and fears; beliefs and attitudes. Personality is not a singular factor but a composite of all of these together. These specific behaviors and traits are arranged in a kind of a pattern. As Rosenzweig puts it, personality is the dynamic integration of an individual's expression of his needs in reaction to himself and others. In the past, according to Mehl, Mills, and Douglass, concepts of teaching appeared to view facts and principles regarding individual characteristics and behavior traits as intangibles; and not significantly related to the learner's formal educative processes. Skill competence was judged in terms of comparison with what were considered to be "perfect models." This comparison later came to be the scale or guide for determining learner needs. The more subtle areas of learning were disregarded .

More recently, Mehl, Mills, and Douglass continue, an awareness of the effect of individual differences among learners upon their degree of success in educational experiences; both formal and informal has begun to exercise a potent effect on educational philosophy and teaching procedures. Unfortunately, the differences in personality components do not always parallel one another in their rate or extent of development, either between individuals or within the individual himself. Each learner brings to the classroom the potentiality of differences in needs, interests, and experiences; as well as social and asocial differences borne and fostered by influences of his economic, cultural, and environmental backgrounds. that, while there is a need to recognize the relationships that exist between individual reactions and the conditions Goething states and situations that excite him, the "what" as well as the "why" is equally important.4 Crow advise that the teacher on any school level needs Relating to this, Crow and suggestions that will enable him to deal intelligently with young people who, at the same time, are alike and different in their ways of responding to classroom routines. He needs suggestions that will guide him suitably without necessity for constant reference to scientific facts and principles from his formal and background training in psychology. Crow and Crow suggest that, from the basis of the teacher's formal training, there must be developed his own ability to apply those scientifically obtained facts and principles as they best fit the peculiarities of his professional activities and situations, needs informal, but reliable, hints that will help him gain insight toward an adequate understanding of learner reactions to educative situations faced.


Prairie View Agricultural and Mechanical College


© 2021 Prairie View A & M University

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Prairie View





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