Date of Award
Document Type
Undergraduate Thesis
Degree Name
Bachelor of Science
Degree Discipline
Arts and Science
Seatwork material has been designed as one of the best possible means for doing effective work in the schoolroom in the primary grades. Books and educational periodicals introduce the uses and results of it, and as the years pass new and better ideas of its uses are given. The up to date teacher takes advantage of these new ideas by making use of them. Consequently the use of seatwork material has found its way to many schoolrooms and has marked a constant change and improvement in teaching. The teacher who tries to understand how children learn and why some don't learn as early as others, and attempts to use materials and methods by which best results can be obtained. She tries to study the child and adapt her methods and materials to his needs. Since seatwork plays an important part in instruction, and schoolroom activity, provisions have been made for its various uses.
Since seatwork is one of the basic materials used for effective learning, the writer has chosen this subtest in order to get a broader knowledge of its use and value.
The progress of the child depends largely upon interesting and meaningful learning which is best done by doing and actually seeing.1 The child who sits in the schoolroom without the opportunity for real activity tends to be retarded in learning. Any skill is best obtained by doing. Seatwork provides for children who grasp quickly classroom assignments and need additional learning opportunities.
Since the education of children is becoming more and more necessary it is worthwhile that every type of material that will contribute to the building of a good foundation be used.
Seatwork is not designed to keep pupils busy, for busy work carries with it the idea of working on a series of non-related facts with no definite object in view. Seatwork bears a relation to the lesson or unit, that will lead toward the achievement of the goal set by the teacher. It is so related to the lesson that it makes for more effective learning. Seatwork is important as a means of enabling the teacher to group pupils for solving problems of individual differences. It develops within the child independence, responsibility, orderly habits, self confidence, and efficiency in classwork.
1 Fraizier and Armentrout, Introduction to Eduoation, p. 74.
Committee Chair/Advisor
D. Burdine
Prairie View State Normal and Industrial College
© 2021 Prairie View A & M University
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.
Date of Digitization
Contributing Institution
John B Coleman Library
City of Publication
Prairie View
Recommended Citation
Smith, C. M. (1940). Uses and Value of Seatwork Materials in Arithmetic in the Primary Grades. Retrieved from