Date of Award
Document Type
Degree Name
Master of Science
Degree Discipline
"Four-H Club work is that part of the Agricultural Extension Service program which serves rural youth."1 Young people between the ages of 10 and 21, in a community or school, organized themselves into a 4-H Club with their own officers, adult leaders, and local program. The primary purpose of 4-H Club work is to develop in boys and girls leadership, initiative, citizenship, and character, and to teach them certain subject matter demonstrations in several phases of farming, homemaking, and related fields. They raise livestock, grow crops, make clothing, learn to cook, improve their personalities, and do many other things through their demonstrations. They have group activities such as camps, exhibits, tours, fairs, hikes, rallies, achievement banquets, and social meetings as a part of their club program. Similar activities conducted on a county basis are planned by county A-H councils. Members learn to cooperate by working and playing together.
The county Extension agents help to organize clubs and supervise their activities. Young people join the club voluntary and they should have a desire to belong to a club. How well the club succeeds depends on many factors, some of which are beyond the members' control. Parents, the adult leader, teachers, and county Extension agents may contribute much to the success of 4-H Club work.
Four-H Club work is a specialized educational enterprise for rural youth. As such, it shares in the objectives common to all educational institutions and movements in its concern with the development of individual abilities and capacities for learning. Intellectual and moral character, qualities of effective citizenship, and the like—all having a definite relationship to the development of the "heart H." Its distinctive educational objectives are:
1. To help rural boys and girls develop desirable ideals and standards for farming, homemaking, community life, and citizenship, and a sense of responsibility for their attainment.
2. To give rural boys and girls technical instructions in farming and homemaking, that they may acquire skill and understanding in these fields and a clearer vision of agriculture as a basic industry, and of homemaking as a worthy occupation.
3. To provide rural boys and girls an opportunity to learn by doing through conducting certain farm and home enterprises, and demonstrating to others what they have learned.
4. To instill in the minds of rural boys and girls an intelligent understanding and appreciation of nature and of their environment.
5. To teach rural boys and girls the value of research, and to develop in them a scientific attitude toward the problems of the farm and the home.
6. To train rural boys and girls in cooperative action, that they may increase their accomplishments, and, through associated efforts, may better assist in solving rural problems.
7. To develop in rural boys and girls habits of healthful living, to provide them with information and direction in the intelligent use of leisure, and to arouse in them worthy ambitions and a desire to continue to learn, that they may live fuller and richer lives.
8. To demonstrate to rural boys and girls methods designed to improve practices in agriculture and homemaking, to the end that farm incomes may be increased, standards of living improved, and the satisfaction of farm life enhanced.
Committee Chair/Advisor
E. M. Norris
Committee Member
J. R. Powell
Committee Member
J. R. Powell
Prairie View Agricultural and Mechanical College
© 2021 Prairie View A & M University
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.
Date of Digitization
Contributing Institution
John B Coleman Library
City of Publication
Prairie View
Recommended Citation
Phillips, L. L. (1959). A Study of Twenty-Three County 4-H Council Organizations In Arkansas. Retrieved from