"The Improvement of Reading Skills Among Fourth Grade Pupils in the Gal" by Maudie Scott

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Education

Degree Discipline



Any survey made of students or adults at any stage of development, would find many who have studied for long periods without having learned to read sufficiently well to carry on the necessary functions of life. This would seem to suggest that the schools, for some reason, or by some means, are failing in the development of those skills which are extremely important for successful living.

The purpose of this study is to determine the relationship between intelligence and the ability to learn to read, and also to determine what methods, if any, appear to contribute toward the improvement of reading among slow learners, or children with reading difficulties.

The Educational Policies Commission has listed four objectives of education in a democratic society. They include the objectives of self realization, economic efficiency, human relations, and citizenship. These suggest that our system of schools should so operate as to permit each child to develop to his fullest extent, develop some means of earning a livelihood, and perform such functions as become the responsibility of citizens in a democratic society.

In each of the above, a knowledge of reading is imperative. It, therefore, appears reasonable to assume that, the inability to read is a serious handicap to the life of any individual, and any school; or, the school teacher is guilty of gross negligence who does less than her best to exhaust all possible means of developing reading skills in young children.

This paper assumes importance as it reviews the various factors which may cause the development of reading difficulties in children; points out methods which may be used to determine the causes of reading difficulties; and suggests methods which might be used to improve the reading skills of young children.

The reading difficulties and suggested remedial techniques discussed in this paper are those related to such problems as might be found at the fourth grade level.

Committee Chair/Advisor

Carl C. Weems

Committee Member

C. A. Wood

Committee Member

J. W. Echols

Committee Member

Hattie M. Flowers

Committee Member

Fannie Mae Edmerson


Prairie View A&M College


© 2021 Prairie View A & M University

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

Date of Digitization


Contributing Institution

John B Coleman Library

City of Publication

Prairie View





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