Date of Award
Document Type
Degree Name
Master of Science
Degree Discipline
Business Education
The curriculum of all Texas high schools have been expanded, and with this expansion, the duties of all teachers have become more diversified. However, the snail high school is faced with many unique problems as a result of the greatly expanded curriculum. Foremost among these problems is that of providing a well-rounded academic program for a small student body with a limited staff of teachers. The enrollment of the small high school of necessity limits the teaching staff, and as a result, teachers trained specifically in one area are often assigned to teach subjects in a second or third area. This investigation will seek to determine the undergraduate preparation of the business teacher in the small high school and to analyze the relationship of his training to the curricular and extra-curricular duties to which the teacher is assigned.
Purposes of the Study
The purposes of this investigation are
1. To determine the duties, curricular and extra-curricular, of the business teacher in the small high schools of Texas.
2, To determine the relationship of these duties to the undergraduate college training of these teachers,
3. To collect Information regarding the duties of the business teacher that might possibly provide help in the training of prospective business teachers for small high schools.
Importance of the Study
Many prospective business education teachers earn their degrees with the idea of teaching only business subjects. If a position is secured in a small high school, business teachers may be called upon to teach subjects or to direct student activities for which their undergraduate training in business has left them totally unprepared. In order for a teacher to be properly trained, it is necessary to acquire knowledge as to the duties which he might be assigned to perform. It then becomes necessary to acquire information regarding the curricular and extracurricular duties that teachers of business in small high schools are now performing, This investigation will seek to point out the duties that teachers of business in small high schools perform which have no direct relationship to the training received in business.
Prairie View Agricultural and Mechanical College
© 2021 Prairie View A & M University
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.
Date of Digitization
Contributing Institution
John B Coleman Library
City of Publication
Prairie View
Recommended Citation
, JR ., B.S., T. H. (1962). Duties Of The Business Teacher In Small Texas High Schools. Retrieved from