"The Effects Of The Broiler Industry On The Agriculture Economics Of Ch" by Valentine Waddleton

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science

Degree Discipline

Agriculture Economics


More than one hundred twenty-five years ago, Robert- Malthus, the noted economist, predicted that gradually the increases in population would outstrip man's ability to provide subsistence for this population increase. Though Malthus's theory might someday prove correct, it will certainly not be because of lack of agricultural experimentation and research.

The story of the fight for survival in a modern culture closely parallels the story of the progress being made in agriculture and agricultural economics. In all fields of endeavor, men constantly strive to improve their lots, and the field of agriculture is no exception. From the date of the establishment of the first College of Agriculture in Michigan, February 1855, research and experimentation have been geared to improved methods in agriculture, increased yields, and certainly to increased profits in all phases of farming and farm products. There appears to have been no special emphasis placed on poultry husbandry, though Botsford reports that good advice in the field has been written as early as one hundred years ago. According to Botsford, poultry appears to be the oldest of all livestock, with specialized poultry breeding having begun 2000 years ago, in Italy, principally to meet the demand for food supplies when Rome was mistress of the world. Botsford further points out that it was not until 1891-92 that the first college instruction in poultry husbandry was offered with James E. Rice of Carnell University as teacher. On the other hand, it was not until 1901, at Connecticut Agricultural College, that the first department of poultry husbandry was established.

Committee Chair/Advisor

J. M. Coruthers

Committee Member

F. B. Ledbetter

Committee Member

C. O. Bradley


Prairie View Agricultural and Mechanical College


© 2021 Prairie View A & M University

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

Date of Digitization


Contributing Institution

John B Coleman Library

City of Publication

Prairie View





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