Date of Award
Document Type
Degree Name
Master of Science
Degree Discipline
The purposes of this study are, first, to make a survey fo the conditions in the fifteen rural schools for Negroes in McLennan County, Texas; second, to find out the conditions of these schools and point out their strengths and weaknesses; third, to find out what the present system is doing to better the learning conditions of the Negro boys and girls of this county, and to make recommendations which the writer believes will be helpful to both the school personnel and the Negro youths of McLennan County.
This survey seeks to reveal a clear-cut, true picture of what is available in the McLennan County schools at present. In discovering the short comings with reference to the actual needs, the study also seeks to reveal obscured positions, and take a looking glass position, consequently challenging the leaders for deeper thought, brighter and more specific objectives with skillful techniques to make speed and just arrivals to these prescribed objectives. The writer feels that such a study will make a contribution to the area under consideration, since there has been no study made of the status of the rural schools for Negroes in this county.
The problem is to make a survey of the status of the rural schools for Negroes in McLennan County, Texas.
Realizing that a problem cannot be solved unless adequate study is given to the various phases of it, the writer has sought to formulate an analysis of the rural schools for Negroes in McLennan County. This study proposes to answer the following general questions: 1. What are the size and classifications of the schools provided for Negro boys and girls of McLennan County? 2. What is the status of the physical plants and equipment provided for Negro youths of McLennan County? 3. What provisions have been made for the general health conditions of the Negro pupils of this county? 4. What type of school personnel and teachers are available for the youths of this county? 5. What type of transportation is provided Negro youths of McLennan County?
This study includes all public rural schools for Negroes in McLennan County, both elementary and high school, under the control and administration of the public school system. It includes the study and analysis of pupils, school personnel, school plants, equipment, curriculum, and transportation as revealed during the school year 1950-51 for the Negro pupils of McLennan County in both common and independent districts.
Prairie View A&M College
© 2021 Prairie View A & M University
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Date of Digitization
Contributing Institution
John B Coleman Library
City of Publication
Prairie View
Recommended Citation
Shaw, W. L. (1952). A Status Study of Rural Schools For Negroes in McLennan County, Texas. Retrieved from