Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science

Degree Discipline

Science in Educational Administration


In 1936, when the writer's work with the rural schools of Oklahoma County, Oklahoma, began, an examination of the school records which were on file in the County Superintendent's office revealed an alarming condition of pupil achievement in grades five to eight, inclusive. This condition was shown by graphs which were drawn on individual profile charts as the results from a series of Stanford Achievement tests which were, and are still administered each year in the rural schools, under the supervision of the County Superintendent. The information on these graphs showed in years and fractional parts thereof, the age and grade placement of each pupil; and once a graph is correctly drawn, a clear picture of the child's achievement can be seen.

It was this condition that gave rise to an investigation by the writer in an effort to find the cause. Among the many possible reasons which the investigation revealed, the lack of reliable and clear-cut information about the status of the pupils was most outstanding. It was that reason which formed the basis of the writer's problem.

The problem, therefore, is to plan a rural elementary school report card that will meet the needs of the pupils, parents, and teachers of the Negro schools of Oklahoma County, Oklahoma.

Early in the beginning of the writer's investigation the following questions arose: 1. What are some of the weaknesses of the types of report cards? 2. What are some of the modern ideas concerning the function of the report cards? 3. What are the opinions of the parents of Oklahoma County of the old report card? 4. What are the reac tions of the teachers and pupils of Oklahoma County to the old report card? 5. What factors should be considered in making a report card?

The c asual observer will, perhaps, find the answers to these questions not in the direct expressions of the writer, but through statements by those who have given previous attention to the problems and who are r ecognized as authorities in the field.

Committee Chair/Advisor

J. H. Windom


Prairie View State College


© 2021 Prairie View A & M University

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Date of Digitization


Contributing Institution

John B Coleman Library

City of Publication

Prairie View





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