Date of Award
Document Type
Degree Name
Master of Science in Education
Degree Discipline
Science in Educational Administration
Educators throughout the United States are seriously concerned with the problem of retardation, for it is fundamentally important to every community. A vast number of students are retarded year after year and it is perhaps a conservative estimate that one-third of the nation's children have fallen behind a year or more. This widespread prevalence of retardation has a detrimental effect upon our schools of today. This is not only a significant problem from the standpoint of the cost to the schools and to the parents, but also from the standpoint of the humiliated and often discouraged pupil. One failure may not do serious injury to a student, but once the habit of failure is formed this habit often tends to hinder the social development of the child.
Irwin and Marks1 are convinced that "repeating grades is the greatest crime against the educational development of the child that the school can commit." Too much time and thought cannot be given toward analysis of the important problem and for suggestive remedial measures for the betterment of the situation.
This investigation is a study of retardation in five Negro High Schools in Fort Bend County, Texas for the school year 1942-43.
The problem involved in this study finds expression in a series of questions. 1. What is the status of retardation of children in the Five Negro High Schools of Fort Bend County, Texas? 2. Is the status of retardation of the children in Five Negro High Schools of Fort Bend County, Texas similar to the status of other children in the nation? 3. What are the causes of retardation?
1E. A. Irwin, and L. A. Marks, Fitting the Child to the School, New York City: The MacMillan Company, (1928), p. 317.
Committee Chair/Advisor
E. M. Norris
Committee Member
H. E. Wright
Committee Member
J. H. Windom
Committee Member
A. C. Preston
Prairie View State College
© 2021 Prairie View A & M University
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Date of Digitization
Contributing Institution
John B Coleman Library
City of Publication
Prairie View
Recommended Citation
Barlow, M. K. (1944). A Study of Retardation in Five Negro High Schools in Fort Bend County, Texas 1942-1943. Retrieved from