"A Status Study Of Pupil Participation In School Control In Fourteen Ac" by Luther Fredrick Tubbs

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science

Degree Discipline



Statement of Problem

There seems to be wide differences of opinion concerning the significance of social changes that are taking place in the public schools of Texas. Many adult citizens are not confident that the values of civilization which they now enjoy can be controlled and kept in existence. It is evident that when school people observe what is happening in the outside world and become cognizant of the obvious fear and confusion among grownups, they must realize that they must do all they can to prepare children to cope with the problems more effectively and with more enlightened leadership than their parents were able to do. The trained school man knows that it is not sufficient merely to explain problems to the children. He must present practical experience along with the problem of explanation.

Pupils' organizations appear in a great variety of forms and for a great variety of purposes. Each organization has problems peculiar to itself. This study will be concerned with the analyses and practices in the organization, administration, and supervision of pupil participation in the Negro high schools of Texas that are recognized as "A" class by the Southern Association of Colleges and Secondary Schools. The primary aim of this study is to search for information concerning the following items:

Types of organization. 2. Methods of managing pupil participation in school organizations. 3. Bases for the selection of the members of the governing body. 4. Eligibility for election. 5. Powers granted. 6. Disciplinary problems. 7. Time and frequency of meetings. 8. Attitude toward the pupil governing body. 9. Chief objectives or values. 10. Problems and difficulties. 11. Some definite achievements. 12. The size of the governing body.

The question greatly concerned in this study is, what attempt is being made among the Negro high schools of Texas, recognized by the Southern Association of Secondary Schools and Colleges, to provide training for citizenship and the development of social responsibility by means of affording pupils an opportunity to participate in the government of the school?

Committee Chair/Advisor

J. H. Windom

Committee Member

J. M. Drew

Committee Member

J. M. Drew


Prairie View Agricultural and Mechanical College


© 2021 Prairie View A & M University

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

Date of Digitization


Contributing Institution

John B Coleman Library

City of Publication

Prairie View





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