Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science

Degree Discipline



It is hoped that this study might, by giving an accurate account of the present situation, arouse the school leaders to devise means of improving existing conditions.

It was not the intent of the writer to point out the faults of the school system In order to criticize favorably or unfavorably those in charge of the administration. Reference to conditions in any of the schools studied could not be placed entirely upon the resent administration.

This study embraces all of the Elementary and Secondary schools in Hunt County. But is limited to the Negro schools under the public school system. This study is limited to the year 1946-1947 in order to get an actual picture of conditions as they existed before the Standardization Law was passed, which forced some schools to make needed improvements in curriculum, teaching personnel, equipment, and the physical plant. The writer began this study during the year 1946-1947 and hopes with this year as a base to gauge the amount of progress that has been made to the present.

The writer has set for himself this task, namely, to study the educational opportunities available to Negro youth in Hunt County with respect to both quantity and quality abailable as of the school year, 1946-1947.

Committee Chair/Advisor

J. M. Drew

Committee Member

A. C. Preston


Prairie View A&M College


© 2021 Prairie View A & M University

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

Date of Digitization


Contributing Institution

John B Coleman Library

City of Publication

Prairie View





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