"The Status of the Negro Industrial Worker in Houston, Texas" by Isaac Benjamin Kemp

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science

Degree Discipline

Industrial Education


It has long been established in the literature of industrial science that population members occupy a specific place in human group life. This position is greatly affected by their status in the industrial pattern of society in which they move and have their being. Previous study has shown that this type of existence is not always the same in nature.

Because of this type of assumption, it is possible to study the industrial status of a particular occupational group.

Every individual who seeks a job is interested in two things. His first interest is in the economic returns which the job offers in the light of responsibilities and effort which it requires. His second interest is in the future it offers and the security it guarantees. The consideration of these questions depends upon the circumstances,outlook, and ambition of the potential worker. However, these interests form indexes of the individual status of individuals engaged in any type of work. Because of this theoretical possibility, this study is concerned with the following main question: What is the industrial status of Negro skilled workers in Houston, Texas?

Although this question cannot be answered fully, it is believed that if specific indexes are carefully selected and treated in relation to adequate field notes, a general picture of Negro skilled workers in their socio-industrial pattern of life can be secured. In order to realize this general objective, eight main questions must be answered by the investigation; 1. How many Negroes are employed as skilled workers in Houston, Texas, and has there been an increase or decrease in the number of skilled Negro workers from 1935 to 1944? 2. What conditions have caused increases or decreases in the number of skilled Negro workers in the Houston area? 3. What are the industrial fields in which these skilled Negro workers are employed and why are they employed in these particular fields? 4. What is the average wage of skilled Negro workers in comparison with wages paid to all skilled workers in the industries of the Houston area? 5. What is the effect of special training on wages based on a comparison of averages of salaries? 6. Why is it that all employees hired to do the same type of work do not receive the same pay? 7. What is the average tenure of the skilled Negro worker? 8. What factors affect the employment of skilled Negro workers?

Preliminary to any such analysis is the definition of significant terms which will be used in this problem. Therefore, we are defining status as the state or condition of a person, group or situation; it further represents one's standing with relation to others. All persons having Negro blood in their veins or a descendant of the first African slaves brought to this country, as well as, individuals classified as Negroes by the management of industry will be referred to as Negroes. All persons who are skilled in the manipulation and operation of tools and machinery, possessing the technical knowledge needed for the performance of a task in industry will be referred to as skilled industrial workers. These workers represent the makers and operators of the machines used by industry. Houston, the largest city in Texas, located forty-six miles southeast of Prairie View State College, had a population of 384,518, including approximately 94,000 Negroes, in 1944.9

9Texas Almanac, 1943-1944, p. 86.

Committee Chair/Advisor

C. L. Wilson


Prairie View State Normal and Industrial College


© 2021 Prairie View A & M University

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Contributing Institution

John B Coleman Library

City of Publication

Prairie View





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