Date of Award
Document Type
Degree Name
Master of Science
Degree Discipline
Until recently, man's struggle for existence has absorbed the major portion of his time; during much of history, the great majority of men have had to toil long hours doing back-breaking work. With the widespread use of machinery and the development of mass production, more time for leisure activities has ensued. Therefore, the same utilization of leisure time has thus become one of the serious problems of agriculture today, The number engaged in part-time and subsistence farming is considerable and steadily increasing. Farming has many ramifications into all phases of life and into our national and international economy. Basically, the great struggles of mankind are centered around securing sufficient quantities of the necessities of life which originate in the soil.
Statement of the Problem.—The problem in this study is to determine the feasibility as to whether or not it will be more profitable to work on the farm in this county full-time or part-time. Establishment in farming on a satisfactory basis has long been and still is being stressed as one of the major objectives of farmers in agriculture. Prospective young farmers are to be advised and aided in becoming aware of the situations and conditions that confront farm laborers, tenants, operators, and farm owners who are interested in establishment in farming. It is felt that certain practices found in this study will point out generalizations applicable to any area of the State.
Scope.—This study is limited to the study of the income from 80 Negro farmers selected from the 125 farmers interviewed, in order to compare the income from full-time and part-time farmers of Limestone County, Texas.
Justification of Study.—This study is the outgrowth of a definite conviction that is gaining ground with farmers today. Part-time farming, and interest and profit, may be studied by many young farmers in schools regardless of whether or not they live on farms or intend to adopt farming as a life work. Agriculture as a field of study provides rich opportunities for cultural development through increased appreciation and understanding of the agricultural environment and rural life. The rural elements of the environment loom high in the relative importance in many communities where high schools are located and many are deserving of increased emphasis in the instruction of all students. Even in urban high schools, there is a place for some attention to be given materials of this type if our young people are to gain a balanced viewpoint of our national life.
Committee Chair/Advisor
0. J. Baker
Committee Member
J. M. Coruthers
Committee Member
J. M. Coruthers
Committee Member
Merlene D. Scott
Prairie View Agricultural and Mechanical College
© 2021 Prairie View A & M University
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.
Date of Digitization
Contributing Institution
John B Coleman Library
City of Publication
Prairie View
Recommended Citation
Scott, J. B. (1957). A Comparative Study Of Income From Full-Time And Part-Time Farming Of A Selected Group Of Farmers In Limestone County, Texas. Retrieved from