Date of Award
Document Type
Undergraduate Thesis
Degree Name
Bachelor of Science
Degree Discipline
Arts and Science
Some pre-school children offer a serious problem to the public school teacher because the parent has neglected the training of the child, so that he may fit into the school program. Thus it is the duty of the nursery school to prepare and equip the pre-school child so as to bridge the gap between the home and the public schools. Never before in the history of the world have so many people given thought to one subject as have been given to the study of the child. This is an age of child study. Our greatest magazines and newspapers open their pages to the discussion of the child's amusements, his development, and all the things which make for his happiness and well-being. The world is awakening to the realization that the child is life's greatest asset, and as the child is today, so shall the nation be tomorrow. The analysis of the steps by which a child develops from a helpless little human into the normal, physical, mental, and moral full-grown statue of a man or woman, is of intense interest, and well worth the while of those whose mission in life is to minister to these little ones. Our public schools are the fields of countless experiments, where educators are working out their various theories each earnestly seeking to meet some new phase of this vital question.
Purpose of the Study - The purpose of this thesis is to teach the parents the most essential and beneficial processes of child care and training. It also strives to teach the child what it means to develop the habit of cleanliness. In this course obedience, respectfulness, kindness, thoughtfulness, truthfulness, and self-reliance are stressed. My one year of experience as Supervisor of the Nursery School in Port Arthur, Texas, serves as a benefactor to me in assembling this data and material for the analysis I am giving on the Care and Training of the Preschool Child in the Nursery School.
Committee Chair/Advisor
Irene Glass
Committee Member
Irene Glass
Prairie View State Normal and Industrial College
© 2021 Prairie View A & M University

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Date of Digitization
Contributing Institution
John B Coleman Library
City of Publication
Prairie View
Recommended Citation
Martin, L. D. (1939). The Nursery School Child His Care And Training. Retrieved from