"A Study Of Negro-Owned And Operated Business Schools In Texas" by Donald W. Sowell

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science

Degree Discipline

Business Education


The young men and young women in school today will determine the course of^business in the future. They must be led to realize the vital importance of personnel and public relations; that is human values, as well as the importance of skill, ability, and initiative. To develop their character, equip their minds, and to prepare their hands for the task is the real challenge of business education.

Business education, as a part of the educational program, shares with other areas of instruction the responsibility of producing young men and women who will be aware of their duties to their communities, homes, churches, and schools. It should be the concern of business educators to produce students worthy of hiring, who are socially and economically competent, and who are equipped to become business leaders.

The first schools preparing students for business education were the business colleges privately owned and operated for profit. The private business college-trained those who wished to become skilled in shorthand, typewriting and bookkeeping in order that they might qualify for employment in the field of business. The business training was a substitute for apprenticeship in business. At first private businessmen did not accept this substitute. Gradually the private businessmen were convinced that business training could take the place of on-the-job training.

The question of providing similar training at the taxpayer s expense in public high schools arose when it was discovered that the private business college, operating for profit, was effective in shortening the period of apprenticeship in business.

Committee Chair/Advisor

C.M. Batie

Committee Member

Samuel Collen

Committee Member

Kenneth Briggs

Committee Member

J. L. Brown


Prairie View A. & M. College Show/hideRemove author


© 2021 Prairie View A & M University

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Date of Digitization


Contributing Institution

John B Coleman Library

City of Publication

Prairie View





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