Date of Award
Document Type
Undergraduate Thesis
Degree Name
Bachelor of Science in Education
Degree Discipline
Arts and Science
At the present time there is an intense interest in the curricular and extra-curricular standpoints. Educators on nearly every hand are realizing the importance of giving the young people of today a fourfold development, namely, an intellectual, physical, spiritual and social development. We note that at one time the social, and spiritual needs were provided for in the regular curriculum. Some authorities feel that extracurricular activities contribute more to the spiritual and social development of pupils then any other phase of the school program.
Extra-curricular activities may be defined as "those legitimate activities not provided for in that portion of the school program known as the curriculum."
These activities have been generally accepted by educators as vital parts of the school program designed to train the youths of today to take their places in the democracy of the world. This present day idea of extra-curricular activities is the result of a changed viewpoint concerning the proper aim of the school. At one time the entire aim of the school was to develop the intellect to its highest powers, regardless of the social and physical development. The question that now faces us is at what time did extra-curricular activities come to be first recognized? We note that they date back to the very beginning when the individual was taught to take care of himself. The idea of physical education was formalized by the Athenians, the Spartans, and the Romans. Thinking of the development of extra-curricular activities in our own country, we see that there was a time, however, when the entire aim of the school was to develop the intellect to its highest powers, regardless of the social or physical needs of the individual. The physical needs of the children were once cared for by their working on the farm and in the rural districts.
According to Foster,1 "A new realization of the importance of an extra-curricular education came after the World War." It was seen that any numbe of men were unable to participate in the affairs of the war because of their lack of physical fitness. Had our school provided for adequate physical activities, this would not have been the case. Since that time our educators have attempted to bridge most of the gaps in the educational system.
1. Foster, C. R. Extra-Curricular Activities in the High school, 1928, p. 123
Committee Chair/Advisor
G. W. Reeves
Prairie View State Normal and Industrial College
© 2021 Prairie View A & M University
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.
Date of Digitization
Contributing Institution
John B Coleman Library
City of Publication
Prairie View
Recommended Citation
McKinney, E. J. (1935). Some Benefits Derived from Extra-Curricular Activities. Retrieved from