Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

Degree Discipline

Electrical Engineering


The world is experiencing a significant environmental crisis due to its dependence on fossil fuels for energy and transportation, which is leading to global warming and climate change. The global climate crisis demonstrates the urgent need to transition to renewable energy sources, making research on sustainable energy-generating systems increasingly important. PZT cells present an alternative energy-generating source but face challenges such as brittleness, low-frequency operation, and high-temperature sensitivity, which cause performance degradation. Additionally, issues like impedance matching and fluctuations in PZT-based energy systems contribute to significant energy generation losses. Research into composite materials, design optimizations, temperature-stabilized materials, fabrication techniques, and advanced power electronics is essential to enhance system efficiency. This research focuses on the sustainable energy-generating pad (SEGP), which harnesses energy for lightweight vehicles like bicycles and electric bikes. The SEGP consists of multiple layers of thin-film PZT cells, energy collector circuits, and multi-composite material, effectively converting mechanical vibrations and kinetic energy into

clean electricity. Software simulations show that the first-generation SEGP (SEGP1X) generates 0.59–1.35 W/ride/0.34Sec with up to 450 lbs of force applied, while the second-generation SEGP (SEGP2X) produces 1.42–3.42 W/ride/0.34Sec. However, in prototype testing, SEGP1X generates 0.33–0.41 W per ride, and SEGP2X generates 0.54–0.67 W per ride, based on a rider and bicycle weight of approximately 160 lbs, demonstrating the potential of this technology. Effective energy storage and collection systems are fundamental requirements for the success of any renewable energy source. To ensure stable operation and maximize energy storage, a smart dual-stage charging system (DSCS) with a round-trip efficiency of around 95% has been developed, particularly for non-sinusoidal and fluctuating energy systems. The SEGP system is integrated with existing PV technology and connected to a grid, forming a grid-tied hybrid energy microgrid system. This setup serves as a test case to evaluate the SEGP's efficiency, feasibility, and potential for real-world implementation. The generated energy can be used for water purification and e-charging, with any surplus energy sold to a utility company. A techno-economic analysis reveals a seven-year return on investment for a ten-year project, highlighting the economic viability of SEGP technology.

Index Terms – SEGP, Thin-film PZT, DSCS, Techno-economic

Committee Chair/Advisor

Annamalai Annamalai

Committee Co-Chair:

Shuza Binzaid

Committee Member

Mohamed Chouikha

Committee Member

Penrose Cofie

Committee Member

Ziaul Huque

Committee Member

Samir Abood


Prairie View A&M University


© 2021 Prairie View A & M University

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

Date of Digitization


Contributing Institution

John B Coleman Library

City of Publication

Prairie View





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