ENGL 1301 - English Composition I - Language and Communication

ENGL 1301 - English Composition I - Language and Communication

Glenn Shaheen, Prairie View A&M University
Ymitri Mathison, Prairie View A&M University
DeLinda Marzette-Stuckey, Prairie View A&M University
Baomei Lin, Prairie View A&M University
Richard Schmitt, Prairie View A&M University

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This OER packet contains the course materials for ENGL 1301 - English Composition I that introduce you to academic settings, the reasons for writing fulfill four main purposes: to summarize, to analyze, to synthesize, and to evaluate. You will encounter these four purposes not only as you read for your classes but also as you read for work or pleasure. Because reading and writing work together, your writing skills will improve as you read. Eventually, your instructors will ask you to complete assignments specifically designed to meet one of the four purposes. As you will see, the purpose for writing will guide you through each part of the paper, helping you make decisions about content and style. For now, identifying these purposes by reading paragraphs will prepare you to write individual paragraphs and to build longer assignments.