Effects of emitter distribution patterns and soil type on water and solute distribution following microirrigation

Document Type

Conference Proceeding

Publication Title

Annual Proceedings Soil and Crop Science Society of Florida


While some furrow/flood irrigation is still used, microirrigation has already become the dominant means of supplying water to citrus groves on Florida sandy soils. Unfortunately, many microirrigation systems apply water in a non-uniform pattern. Uniformity is very important for proper irrigation, especially on sandy soils where horizontal redistribution of water is generally limited. Knowing that microirrigation systems are used to deliver fertilizers and pesticides, non-uniform water application will result in poor irrigation efficiency, fertilization, and pest control, also potential environmental contamination. The main objective of this study was to numerically study the impact of non-uniform water application on water flow and solute movement within soil profiles of ridge and flatwood soil types. Two soil profiles, typical for the Candler (hyperthermic, uncoated, Typic Quartzipsamments) and Immokalee (sandy, siliceous, hyperthermic Alfic Arenic Alaquots) soils, were used in these simulations. Results indicated 25% more water drainage under the Immokalee than under the Candler soil type. However, solute leaching was 2.5 greater under the Candler than under the Immokalee soil. These results show a strong effect of non-uniform irrigation water application on water flow and, more importantly, on solute transport, especially under ridge soil conditions. Further research will focus on the impact of water table height and water table fluctuation on water flow and solute transport processes in these two soil types.

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