
Using cooperative education data for abet reviews

Document Type

Conference Proceeding

Publication Title

ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, Conference Proceedings


The ABET 2000 criteria require that engineering departments have external evaluation of their engineering students. One of the potential methods of accomplishing this is to use the students on cooperative education assignments. At Texas A&M, over 250 individual students per year are involved in cooperative education. For all mechanical engineering students, there are more than 200 who have experienced at least one work term. For many years, the Cooperative Education program within the Career Center has collected data on both the student's evaluation of the company and the co-op program and the employer's evaluation of the student. These data will be reviewed and discussed in terms of our ABET analysis. Recently, the Co-op Program has developed an additional form that the employer is asked to fill out which tracks the ABET a through k criteria. The results for these surveys will be presented and discussed. Mechanical Engineering at Texas A&M University had their most recent ABET visit in fall of 2005. The results of the surveys were successfully used as external evaluations for students' in the program. © American Society for Engineering Education, 2006.

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