SEIR mathematical model of childhood diseases measles, chickenpox, mumps, rubella incorporate seasonal variation in contact rates due to the increased mixing during school terms compared to school holidays. Driven by seasonality these diseases are characterized by annual oscillations with variable contact rate which is a periodic function of time in years. Homotopy Analysis Method (HAM) is considered in this paper to obtain a semi analytic approximate solution of non-linear simultaneous differential equations. Mathematica is used to carry out the computations. Results established through graphs show the validity and potential of HAM for amplitude of variation greater than zero. Also, when it is equal to zero both HAM and Runge-Kutta method graphs are compared.
Recommended Citation
Ratchagar, Nirmala P. and Subramanian, S. P.
Seir Model of Seasonal Epidemic Diseases using HAM,
Applications and Applied Mathematics: An International Journal (AAM), Vol. 10,
2, Article 30.
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