Date of Award
Document Type
Degree Name
Master of Science
Degree Discipline
Physical Education
One of the primary objectives of an organized physical education program on any level is to develop the child socially. The physical education classes are so designed that children experience activities that call for (1) endurance, (2) courage, (3) self-control, (4) alertness, (5) initiative, (6) good sportsmanship, (7) fair play, (8) tolerance of the less skillful, (9) observations of rules, (10) acceptance of decisions, and (11) taking terms in play. All of the above aids in developing a socially adjusted individual.
It is wholly impossible to accomplish social adjustment and omit personal adjustment. The way in Which the child sees himself will have a definite bearing on how he accepts others. Physical education helps him to accept his limitations and gives him a feeling of importance; by providing activities all children can receive a degree of respect and success.
This study is an attempt to find out the influence of an organized physical education program at the primary level and its manifestation on the social and personal adjustments of its students.
It is understandable that directed physical activity would manifest even greater personality adjustment. Then it would seem apparent that the school should and is capable of reaching greater personality adjustment in a short period of time through its organized physical education program. This is also emphasized through the schools specially trained personnel in the area of child development and physical education.
Upon the basis of this study, it is hoped that physical educators will re-evaluate themselves and their curriculum for the purpose of upgrading their program to meet the needs of the "whole" child.
Committee Chair/Advisor
Leroy Moore
Prairie View A&M College
© 2021 Prairie View A & M University
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.
Date of Digitization
Contributing Institution
John B Coleman Library
City of Publication
Prairie View
Recommended Citation
Hodge, E. B. (1968). The Influence of an Organized Physical Education Program on the Social and Personal Adjustment of Some Students at J. W. Ray Primary School, Dallas, Texas. Retrieved from