Date of Award
Document Type
Degree Name
Master of Science
Degree Discipline
Hie current period in agricultural history presents challenges of inevitable import to all who are engaged In vocational education in agriculture# The method of mooting these challenges, and the degree of efficiency and success achieved In solving them are destined to affect the fate of society.
Agriculture in all its manifestations is progressing rapidly with new philosophies, techniques, and skills. Evening classes of vocational education in agriculture have a special responsibility for making practical application of these philosophies and making possible acquisitions of these skills and techniques necessary for the manipulation of new machinery to the farmer's advantage.
There is always a danger in any period when great advancements are being made In learning, In many cases, the intellectuals may be far removed from the people. The evening school Is one agency designed to bridge the gap between the advancements and the people who may profit by them.
This work is concerned with the attaining and maintaining maximum attendance necessary for realization of optimum training In the arts of farming and other related problems of livelihood and social well-being • Irregular attendance is acknowledged and situations of the state analyzed to modify this condition upon its verification.
In the preparation of this work, the writer incorporated contributions from many people and agencies, some of which he has acknowledged by footnotes. Here he acknowledges his indebtedness to them and to all others those cooperative influences, knowledge, and interest in response to questionnaires, conferences, and interviews have directly or indirectly figured in this investigation. Further acknowledgments are extended to the library staff, and the staff members of the Agriculture Department at Prairie Vlow, Special acknowledgment of appreciation is extended to Dr. E. M, Morris without that guidance in the capacity of an advisor, this work could not have been completed, and to my wife and daughters Those patient loyalty motivated my endurance, and to whom this work is dedicated.
Committee Chair/Advisor
E. M, Morris
Prairie View Agricultural and Mechanical College
© 2021 Prairie View A & M University

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.
Date of Digitization
Contributing Institution
John B Coleman Library
City of Publication
Prairie View
Recommended Citation
Archie, N. L. (1953). Attendance In Evening School Classes Of Vocational Education In Agriculture In Texas. Retrieved from