Date of Award
Document Type
Degree Name
Master of Science
Degree Discipline
In the life of a child, all experiences are significant. His behavior is the result of his heredity, his environment, his biological structure, and his personal history. All of his experiences interrelate and gradually an individual personality evolves.
As a result, a teacher finds that each child under her supervision is a distinct individual — the product of his experimental history. Bach child is an interacting member of the class, influencing directly or indirectly the other members, and in turn, directly feeling the result of membership in the group. Stoddard says:
The child does not stay put. He keeps changing to something else. It is our unique responsibility as educators to do well with him where he is while leading him to where he must go. The child himself is the story of his life, and he has not had too much to do with its writing. Only in recent years has the child been accepted as an adequate subject for study in psychology.
The Statement of The Problem
This investigation will attempt to discover what variables may be found in an unselected group of children.
1. Why is a study of variable factors important in understanding the child's growth and development?
2. How can knowledge of these factors help to improve our classroom instruction?
3. What is the relationship between home conditions and scholastic achievement in the subject matter!
The problem under consideration in this study is an effort to determine what effect if any, the conditions of the home have upon the progress the pupils will make in their studies such as association with parents, housing, amount of formal training of parents, conveniences for studying, cultural interests in the household, and economic stability.
Committee Chair/Advisor
Dorothy Burdine
Committee Member
Dorothy Burdine
Prairie View Agricultural and Mechanical College
© 2021 Prairie View A & M University

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.
Date of Digitization
Contributing Institution
John B Coleman Library
City of Publication
Prairie View
Recommended Citation
Walker, J. M. (1950). A Survey Of Variable Factors Affecting A Group Of Children In The Fifth And Sixth Grades At Harlem Elementary School, Baytown, Texas. Retrieved from