Date of Award
Document Type
Degree Name
Master of Science
Degree Discipline
The present study has as its beginning the Cooperative Program of Educational Administration. This movement, known as the CPEA, developed as a result of a financial grant made to several leading American universities, by the Kellogg Foundation, to enable each institution, and the colleges, to make those studies in educational administration that they deemed significant for furthering the effectiveness of the principal, superintendent, board members, etc. In the southwest, under the leadership of the University of Texas as the coordinating center, Prairie View A. & M. College made a study of ways and means of improving educational administration for Negro administrators in the State of Texas. As a guide to action for its research committee, Prairie View chose to focus its attention upon the Negro principal by collecting data relevant to the following questions (see Appendix A):
1. What are the characteristics of the Negro principal (background, educational preparation, professional experiences, professional and personal activities)?
2. What duties are commonly performed by the Negro principal?
3. What are the strengths and weaknesses of the Negro principal?
4. What does the community expect of the Negro principal?
The area of concern of the present study grew out of the fourth question. It is hoped that the collection and analysis of these data support some statements or have concrete implications for improving the effectiveness of the educational leadership of the Negro principal.
Thus, the purposes of this study are to advance some general implications (or functional principles), as evidenced by community perceptions which may be used by prospective administrators, as well as to suggest some procedures and techniques to present to administrators that may facilitate a more harmonious relationship between school and community.
The state was divided into eight geographical areas for the purpose of study (see Appendix B). Sight population groups were also set up to represent population variance as well as sparsity or density. After the state was sectioned into geographical areas, an attempt was made to obtain a sampling of all eight population groups in each geographical area.
Committee Chair/Advisor
James Daniel
Committee Member
Rowland Jerry
Committee Member
Rowland Jerry
Committee Member
Lawrence King
Prairie View Agricultural and Mechanical College
© 2021 Prairie View A & M University
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.
Date of Digitization
Contributing Institution
John B Coleman Library
City of Publication
Prairie View
Recommended Citation
King, H. R. (1952). Community Perceptions Of The Administrative Role Of The Negro Principal In Texas. Retrieved from