Date of Award
Document Type
Degree Name
Master of Science
Degree Discipline
Work with plants, seeds, juices, stems and roots had been done by many persons in the field. Among these were Lucas and Lewis who had worked with the roots of plants; Sanders and Weatherwax who worked with the juices of plants; Little and Grubarcgh who worked with the juices of plants; Cheng, Cheng, Cheng and Tong who worked with solutions of the water chestnut; Rogues who worked with leaves.
Unpublished literature concerned with a study of the inhibitory effects of acorns against radish seeds, undertaken by members of the Department of Natural Sciences at Prairie View A & M College, may be used as a basis for formulating a hypothesis that there is a possibility some species of acorns may contain inhibitory factors. (3)
REVIEW OF LITERATURE ON THE SUBJECT The work done by Lucas and Lewis (2) on the inhibitory factors found in the root system of plants, mentioned in the folklore of numerous countries, disclosed that the inhibition of Gram-positive organisms is more pronounced than that of Gram-positive. They also disclosed that in addition to the inhibitory effects of some plant extracts, a peculiar phenomenon of disturbed growth and very often of definite stimulation of the test organism was observed.
In their work, the activity of plant extracts and their concentration were tested by a method "similar to one described by Sherwood, which was a modification of the essay described by British workers in connection with penicillin research." In a similar article by Sanders and Weatherwax, (13) juice of plants or particular parts of them obtained by the Carver Press method, was tested for inhibitory activity against Bacillus subtrlis and S. Colir using the Oxford cup technique.
Committee Chair/Advisor
T. P. Dooley
Committee Member
T. P. Dooley
Prairie View Agricultural and Mechanical College
© 2021 Prairie View A & M University
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.
Date of Digitization
Contributing Institution
John B Coleman Library
City of Publication
Prairie View
Recommended Citation
Palmer Owens, H. D. (1956). The Effects Of Emulsion Of Four Species Of Acorns On The Germination Of Radish Seeds. Retrieved from