Date of Award
Document Type
Undergraduate Thesis
Degree Name
Bachelor of Science
Degree Discipline
Arts and Science
To what extent high and continuous feeding of carbohydrate and high continuous feeding of nitrogenous foods affect the islands of Langerhan, of the pancreas and the renal tubules of the kidney, respectively, is as far as the writer has been able to determine, still an open question. While a vast amount of work has been done along certain physiological lines in connection with carbohydrate and protein metabolism, as well as certain diseases herein involved, very little work has been done to determine what structural influences carbohydrates have on the insulin producing cells (the islands of hangerhan) and similarly what influences filtering and reabsorption of nitrogenous wastes on the part of the glomeruli and tubules of the kidney would result from excess protein feeding.
It is well established that insulin is necessary to regulate the blood sugar level in the animal body and that the islands of Langerhan function in the production of insulin, There was described, in 1869, Langerhan, a group of cells, in the pancreas, which were clumped off together. These cells differ in appearance and staining reactions from the acinous or secreting epithelium. They have an insular appearance and because of this they were given the name islands of Langerhan. Even before there was any certainty that the pancreatic hormone was formed In these islands, the belief grew up that this was the case. In 1916, Sir Edward A. Schafer named the hormone Insulin even though its existence was still hypothetical. Several years back a group of active students in MacLeod's laboratory clearly defined the outstanding problem of diabetes. The question then arose as to the isolating and determining the chemical nature of the pancreatic hormone. Guided by the work of Zuelzer, 1908-1909, MacCallum 1909, Bensley 1911 and others, Banting and Best 1922 proceeded to prepare more active preparations in which the effect of trypsin would be eliminated. They were successful in this undertaking and later they were joined by Colllp 1922 in their work end in a very short time developed methods for the preparation of extracts, first from fetal calfs pancreases and subsequently from ordinary beef glands, that were suitable for use in human diabetes. Thus was inaugurated a new era in the treatment of diabetes.
Committee Chair/Advisor
W. M. Booker
Prairie View State Normal and Industrial College
© 2021 Prairie View A & M University
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Date of Digitization
Contributing Institution
John B Coleman Library
City of Publication
Prairie View
Recommended Citation
Bailey, E. A. (1936). The Effect of Excess Carbohydrate, Caffeine and Albumin Feeding Upon the Pancreas and Kidney Respectively. Retrieved from