Date of Award
Document Type
Degree Name
Master of Science
Degree Discipline
During the past decade, there has been a marked increase in attention given to experimental research concerning immunity, and it is hoped that from this new knowledge will come more improvements of immunizations. This investigation will be primarily concerned with determining the influence of trichinosis on Hymenolepis diminuta infection in rats. Trichinosis is a type of infection that leaves its host with a high degree of immunity (McCoy, 1931, 1940). Hvaenolepis diminuta does not leave its host with an immunity to a post-infection (Heyneaan, 1962), It is not presently known whether the immunity produced by a trichinosis infection in rats will exert a cross-influence upon Hvmenoleois diminuta. It is known, however, that trichina infections are capable of influencing the development of different parasitic infections in the same host to a measurable degree.
Since the laboratory rat serves as definitive host for both Trichinella spiralis and Byftenolgpis diminuta it affords ample opportunity under controlled conditions to study cross-immunity influence of Trichinella on Hymenplppis diminuta.
Specifically, this work is primarily concerned with finding out whether the immune mechanism produced by the Trichlnella spiralis larvae, will in any way, influence the development of the cysticercoids of Hymenolepis diminuta in the intestine of the host. Past experimental evidence suggests the possibility that the Immunity produced by prior laboratory or natural trichinosis infection in rats, not to be trichinosis specific. If this is true, these results open many facets of further investigations on cross-immunity of trichinosis with other helminthic infections.
Committee Chair/Advisor
Phillip L. Young
Committee Member
J. E. Berry
Committee Member
J. E. Berry
Prairie View Agricultural and Mechanical College
© 2021 Prairie View A & M University
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.
Date of Digitization
Contributing Institution
John B Coleman Library
City of Publication
Prairie View
Recommended Citation
Brown, L. (1963). The Influence Of Trichinella Spiralis On Hymenolepis Diminuta In Rats. Retrieved from