Date of Award
Document Type
Undergraduate Thesis
Degree Name
Bachelor of Science
Degree Discipline
Arts and Science
The unity of any human race out of which grows the brotherhood of man, forms the first great moral basis of Altruism. No people can sucessfully accomplish any phase of work without involving religion in its aims, moralities and religion then the principal means by which one can modify men into whatever one likes provided that one is given time enough in which to do it. Yet nothing is perhaps more openly questioned today than the social power of religion, it is not any purpose fully the science of religion, but we must know something about the real nature or religion before its significance for the social life of man can be understood. There is no douby as to the power and influence of religion shown even in individual cases. What makes civilization is the mass of habits and traditions handed down with constant accumulations from generations to generations. But these habits and traditions can not be thus passed on in human society without strong social sanctions attached to them. The moves of a people are indeed powerful because they are embedded in religious sanctions. They begin to crumble and disintegrate as soon as the particular religious beliefs passesaway. So we see today that religion in the strictest sense has always been the beliefs and practices which the community approves, The struggle for national and social religion in our New World of science and of complex social relations is essentially today as it has been in the past; it is a struggle to find religion adopted to the requirements of the present life.
Committee Chair/Advisor
H. A. Bullock
Prairie View State College
© 2021 Prairie View A & M University

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Date of Digitization
Contributing Institution
John B Coleman Library
City of Publication
Prairie View
Recommended Citation
Williams, B. M. (1927). The Influence Of Religion Upon The Works Of Man. Retrieved from