Date of Award
Document Type
Degree Name
Master of Science
Degree Discipline
Education has for Its aim learning how to live, and children have to be taught how to live. They have to be taught the "why" of real living. Teaching must be effective if adjustments are to be adequately made and the learner is to become a well-adjusted personality. There must be ways and means in teaching numbers which will contribute meaning and vitality to social and effective living.
It should be the desire of each teacher of our future citizens, to keep in touch with the modem trends in education and experiment with the use of various methods with a view of Improving classroom instruction. It is very necessary for the teacher to take advantage of all opportunities that may arise that will help to make the work meaningful to the child and to use the pupil's own experiences to the greatest extent.
Teachers are discovering that children appreciate learnings they can relate to themselves, to their own concern, and to their own activities. It is the duty of teachers to help the child see numbers as a functional aspect in his life, that which he cannot get along without. The child should be taught and learn to understand that addition and subtraction will be an advantage in solving personal problems in life.
It is important that the teacher understands how the child learns and what his capabilities are in the different stages of his intellectual development. Experience plays a great part in learning. An experience has meaning only in terms of previous understandings. The skillful teacher builds her program and her activities upon this foundation. Everyday activities which are concerned with quantitative aspects of the child1® own environment will become an integral part of the curriculum. Through these activities, the child say develop naturally consistently. Stokes states that effective teaching results when the meaning of number and number relations are placed in the foreground. Vital experience which the child can relate to himself offer the basis for the most productive action. Number is a functional objective in the life of each child. If the child is lead to see this, he profits by effective teaching and is well on his way toward a state of well-being so far as number learning is concerned.
Committee Chair/Advisor
Anne C. Preston
Committee Member
Anne C. Preston
Prairie View Agricultural and Mechanical College
© 2021 Prairie View A & M University
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.
Date of Digitization
Contributing Institution
John B Coleman Library
City of Publication
Prairie View
Recommended Citation
Ann Dorsey, J. W. (1956). "The Relationship Between Number Work And First Grade Children's Social Development". Retrieved from