Date of Award
Document Type
Degree Name
Master of Science
Degree Discipline
It has often been said throughout the years that whatever we do in our free time is important to the community, Therefore, it is important for communities to provide facilities, services, and leadership for ever-expanding leisure—time activities because good recreation makes good citizens. Recreation must not only supply the public with the worthy leisure time activities it wants but must be prone to supply the public with what is needed but not recognized as a need.
This study attempts to discover the attitudes of four different classifications of people in the Port Arthur community that supports Lincoln High toward the importance of a year-round recreation program at the school.
The writer's interest in the study is stimulated somewhat by the belief that this Is the first of its nature done in the Port Arthur area and the writer's curiosity of why community leaders and educators have not made any noticeable attempt to provide a year-round recreation program at Lincoln High School, Port Arthur, Texas.
Statement of the problem Fun is the birthright of every child and prerogative of every adult. Since earliest time, recreation like work, love, and worship, has been a major form of human activity. Festivals, dances, and games have always been a part of life. The playground provides opportunities for every child to have fun, and enjoy himself completely. Some children are denied these opportunities. The survey is done in an attempt to determine attitudes of four selected categories of people in the Port Arthur community toward the importance of a year-round recreation program at Lincoln High School, Port Arthur, Texas,
Importance of the studyRecreation has advanced rapidly, but not exclusively in the United States. The progress will be more widespread in the future because the conditions, approaches, methods, and often the content changes with the time and culture.
The responsibility for organized recreation rest in the local community. It has been demonstrated that community recreation properly organized, contributes to the building of sound physical and mental health, to molding citizenship, and promoting social well-being.
Committee Chair/Advisor
Leroy Moore
Committee Member
Leroy Moore
Prairie View Agricultural and Mechanical College
© 2021 Prairie View A & M University

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.
Date of Digitization
Contributing Institution
John B Coleman Library
City of Publication
Prairie View
Recommended Citation
Gamble, J. L. (1968). A Survey Of Attitudes Toward The Importance Of A Year- Round Recreation Program At Lincoln High In Port Arthur, Texas. Retrieved from