Date of Award
Document Type
Degree Name
Master of Science
Degree Discipline
The recognition of the fact the Weldon School, Gladewater, Texas, was neither holding all the students who enrolled nor adequately following up those who were graduated prompted the writer to undertake this study. The study's real beginning was the result of an In-Service Teacher Training meeting during the present 1948-49 school year. During the general discussion, many questions were raised which were not satisfactorily answered. Some of the questions were: 1. Why do students fail courses more often in the high school than in the elementary school? 2. Why do so many students lose interest in school? 3. How much elimination is the result of home and community conditions? 4. How much is the school at fault? 5. What becomes of the boys and girls after they leave or graduate from the Weldon School? 6. What can the school do about eliminates and how can the situation be handled?
From the above list of questions, the purposes of this study were derived. It is undertaken with the purpose of securing data which may be useful in determining as specifically as possible why pupils were not in attendance; why students who left school were impelled to do so and what factors in the school and out of the school may be responsible for their elimination.
Further, this study will undertake: (1) to account for graduates of Weldon School, (2) to account for the eliminated pupils of Weldon School, (3) to determine the influence which certain lines of procedure in school have on the moral development of boys and girls, and (4) to secure data which may be useful in determining if the school curriculum is actually functioning in the lives of the graduates, the eliminates, and the present student body.
It is the ultimate purpose of this study to recommend to the superintendent and local school board as a result of the information secured practices and policies which may be used in the improvement of the Weldon School.
Committee Chair/Advisor
J. M. Drew
Prairie View A&M College
© 2021 Prairie View A & M University
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.
Date of Digitization
Contributing Institution
John B Coleman Library
City of Publication
Prairie View
Recommended Citation
Green, E. F. (1949). A Study of the Graduates, Eliminates, and Student Body of the Weldon Elementary-High School Gladewater, Texas 1939-1948. Retrieved from