Date of Award
Document Type
Degree Name
Master of Science
Degree Discipline
Political Science
A study of theoretical statements and researches of other scholars was made in order to ascertain whether this problem has already been solved. No others scholar has made this study. However, other scholars have made related studies. These studies have proved valuable as sources of data. Brief summaries of theoretical statements and researches of scholars are given below.
Theoretical Statements and Researches of Other Scholars Theoretical Statements t Walter R, Smith states that the "boys gang" is more or less definitely organized for general associational purposes. "The typical gang-age is ten to sixteen. During this period the instinct for group association stirs every boy's heart. Puffer further states that the gang is no mere haphazard association. Accidents of various kinds - age, propinquity, likeness of interest—bring together a somewhat random group. Immediately the boys react on one another. One or more leaders come to the fore. The gang organizes itself, finds or makes its meeting place, establishes its standards, and begins to do things. It develops, in some sort a collective mind, and acts as a unit to carry out schemes and activities which would hardly so much as enter the head of one boy alone."
According to Murphy, and Newcomb, "Friendship has been investigated largely in terms of propinquity, age-level, sex, mental age, and other characteristics that define the "boundaries -within which friends will be selected. Childhood friendships cannot "be considered without reference to the process of forming playgroups in school hours. These groups not only express but help in forming individual attachments. The lowest number of pairs (children who choose each other for activities) and the highest number of isolated children are found in the kindergarten, first and second grades. This indicates that children of this age are seldom sufficiently certain whom to choose. Prom the fourth grade on, there is an increase of the mutual pairs of friendship and an increasing complexity in group structure.
Committee Chair/Advisor
Henry Allen Bullock
Committee Member
Samuel E. Warren
Committee Member
Samuel E. Warren
Committee Member
Thomas R. Solomon
Committee Member
Earnest M. Norris, Ellie A. Walls
Prairie View State College
© 2021 Prairie View A & M University
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.
Date of Digitization
Contributing Institution
John B Coleman Library
City of Publication
Prairie View
Recommended Citation
Turner, F. S. (1942). Some Factors Giving Rise To Differential Grouping Among The Pupils Of Trinity Gardens Elementary School Of Houston, Texas. Retrieved from