Date of Award
Document Type
Degree Name
Master of Science
Degree Discipline
This survey includes the public schools and school systems for Negroes in Travis County, Texas. There are 13 common school districts employing 32 teachers and principals with 17 school buildings and one independent school district employing two teachers with one building in Travis County. Under our democratic type of government, every Negro child living within these school districts is entitled to enjoy equalized educational opportunities.
The task of an effort to equalize educational opportunities in the rural areas of the nation has become increasingly difficult because of the depletion of rural life and the concentration of population and wealth in industrial centers. Approximately 12,000,000 school children of the United States are in schools classified as rural and in towns of a thousand or fewer inhabitants.1 Until recent years this problem seems to have no feasible solution, but with the coming of the automobile, the grading and graveling of roads, and particularly the building of paved roads, the whole nature of the problem has been changed. Prom the possibilities growing out of these innovations the problem of this thesis is presented.
Statement of Problem
The problem toward which this study is directed centers around one major question: Can the present educational deficiencies of the Negro rural schools of Travis County be remedied by a sane county-wide plan of consolidation of the 13 common school districts and the one independent school district that at present exist?. An attempt is made to compile important data relative to the Negro schools of Travis County, Texas; to evaluate the findings in the light of accepted educational standards; to discover as accurately as possible what educational opportunities are offered in each school district in the county for Negroes; to account for the variation, if any, in the cost of education for the children living in the various districts; to investigate the desires for better educational facilities by the people of the various districts as evidenced by the school tax rates and levies; to suggest a reorganization of the schools upon sound principles of educational administration, and make such recommendations as might lead to improving present school conditions. Educational authorities contend that equalization of opportunities for training can be accomplished only by organizing public schools into large administrative units.
Committee Chair/Advisor
J. M. Drew
Committee Member
R. B. Jefferson
Committee Member
R. B. Jefferson
Committee Member
J. M. Corethers
Prairie View Agricultural and Mechanical College
© 2021 Prairie View A & M University
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.
Date of Digitization
Contributing Institution
John B Coleman Library
City of Publication
Prairie View
Recommended Citation
Taylor, F. D. (1949). A Proposed Plan Of Consolidation Of The Rural Schools For Negroes In Travis County. Retrieved from