Date of Award
Document Type
Degree Name
Master of Science
Degree Discipline
Vocational guidance does not end, as many are wont to believe, with the placement of an individual in a vocation, no matter how carefully and wisely selected. The follow-up program is indeed vital but often neglected, and it is the responsibility of the individual or individuals who have spent limitless time and effort in carrying through the preceding steps of the guidance program to see to it that the individual, student, or drop-out, functions successfully in his chosen vocation.
Arthur Jones rates the follow-up step in this manner: MThe follow-up program of guidance is as important as the other steps of the program, and in some respects maybe even more important than mere placement."1 Without an attempt to evaluate the steps in the guidance program, it is safe to say that without an effective program of follow-up, the guidance program is incomplete.
This is a difficult program in many instances, as it is expensive of time, energy, and finance. There is a possibility of encountering indifference and lack of cooperation on the parts of the former students and the employers as well. There are numerous plans for carrying out the follow-up program, and care must be taken to select the proper procedures for each individual or particular situation.
All is not difficult, however, for there are cooperative firms and employers who will use means of their own or co-operate with the school or vocational agency's plan in furnishing information regarding the progress of the students.
The follow-up program may serve as a yardstick to measure to some extent the effectiveness, and in like manner, the weakness of the preceding steps used in the guidance program. If the fate of the product is known, the results may he used to improve the services of the schools. They should affect guidance procedures and curricula. E. G. Williamson lists the following ways of using results from the follow-up program:
1. As an index of the educational and vocational opportunities of the community.
2. To indicate current conditions involving local problems of demand and supply in regard to various initial marketable skills.
3. As a rough measure of the effectiveness of tryout and vocational training courses.
4. To provide the placement office with additional check-ups on unadjusted graduates and those out of work.
Committee Chair/Advisor
J. M. Drew
Committee Member
J. M. Drew
Prairie View Agricultural and Mechanical College
© 2021 Prairie View A & M University

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Date of Digitization
Contributing Institution
John B Coleman Library
City of Publication
Prairie View
Recommended Citation
Scott, D. R. (1948). A Follow-Up Study Of Students Who Have Left Phyllis Wheatley High School, San Antonio, Texas, Since 1942. Retrieved from