Date of Award
Document Type
Degree Name
Bachelor of Science in Education
Degree Discipline
With the emphasis being placed today on the needs for trained personnel in all areas# it has become increasingly important for educators to try to solve problems confronting the school as are related to attendance. The larger public school systems have put into action a visiting teacher program which proposes to help prevent non-attendance and to improve irregular attendance. However# rural schools very often# have no access to the visiting teacher program or to any other type of truancy prevention. They have had to seek other means to combat this problem.
Statement of the Problem. The purposes of this study are (1) to explore the philosophy of# and factors involved in school attendance; (2) to ascertain the probable causes of non-attendance in the Bohner School# Olton, Texas; and (3) to use the findings to make recommendations for possible Improvement in attendance. The current study was undertaken in an effort to throw light upon the real reasons why pupils are absent from school. Particularly it sought to ascertain what could be done to gain a more complete understanding of fundamental causes for p^pi* absence in a particular school situation.
Significance of the Study* The need for studying the causes of non-attendance and drop-outs was made evident by a constant increase of attendance problems in the Bohner School, Olton, Texas, to the extent that the possible future of financial appropriations for the school will be reduced.
It may be said quite safely that school administrators and teachers are universally interested in the problems associated with non-attendance, and are much concerned with reducing them. The tax-payers are concerned in part because their money is being used to provide buildings, equipment, and teachers for the use of all students. Citizens are concerned also because the quality of the product of the school is Influenced by the extent to which students attend school regularly.
It would seem that any successful attack upon the absence problem should start with an analysis of the cause of absence among a particular group of pupils. It may be assumed that If we know the cause of a condition we are able to place an intelligent attack to remove the condition. If pupils are absent because of health factors, an effort to reduce absence will take the direction of changing those health factors. Similarly, if pupils are absent because of shortcomings in the school program, better attendance will require that these shortcomings be changed.
Previous studies associated with the preparation of this thesis, however, have stopped with an analysis based upon the reason given by pupils or parents. This still leaves unanswered the question of underlying fundamental causes. When a boy gives the reason for an absence as sickness and he plays a game of football the same day, one suspects at once that the reason given was not the real reason. Yet, his absence was real. If his absenteeism is to be eliminated, the real cause must be sought out.
Committee Chair/Advisor
J. W. Echols
Prairie View Agricultural and Mechanical College
© 2021 Prairie View A & M University
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.
Date of Digitization
Contributing Institution
John B Coleman Library
City of Publication
Prairie View
Recommended Citation
Graves, B. T. (1958). An Analysis Of The Causes Of Non-Attendance And Dropouts In The Bohner School, Olton, Texas. Retrieved from