Date of Award
Document Type
Degree Name
Master of Science
Degree Discipline
Agriculture Economics
The problem involved in this study may be stated as follows: (1) to ascertain methods which have been used to finance chapters of the N.F.A. in Area Three; (2) to determine which of these methods has been most productive of revenue and organizational results; (3) to suggest methods of strengthening present fund-raising weaknesses. The study raises and attempts to answer these questions: (1) how do N.F.A. chapters in Area Three raise money? (2) which money-raising devices have achieved the best results? (3) what other and better methods may be suggested?
The N.F.A. is and asset to the farmers and the communities of the area. As was pointed out by the La Grange (Texas) Journal, The New Farmers of America...recognizes and encourages natural instincts and tendencies of boys. This organization affords excellent opportunities for teaching boys leadership. It has proved helpful in developing in youth the following: 1. A vision to see the beauties and possibilities of a progressive farm business. 2. Confidence in their own ability. 3. The value of thrift. 4. Intelligent leadership, clean sportsmanship, and a higher standard of scholarship. 5. Individual growth through lifelike situations, because of constant exposure to same.1
This recognition of the work of the organization carries with it recognition of the importance of the work. The work requires financing. Much of that financing must come from the individual chapters. This is the study of methods of raising funds employed by the sixty chapters of one area, Area Three. The study may help to determine the best methods of raising funds so that theses methods may be emphasized by chapters in the area and in other areas. For that reason the study is important.
1 "Ninth Annual N.F.A. Livestock and Poultry Show Program," La Grange Journal (March 14, 1952), p. 4.
Committee Chair/Advisor
E. M. Norris
Prairie View A&M College
© 2021 Prairie View A & M University
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Date of Digitization
Contributing Institution
John B Coleman Library
City of Publication
Prairie View
Recommended Citation
Powell, G. L. (1952). A Study of the Methods of Financing Chapters of the N.F. A. in Area Three. Retrieved from