Date of Award
Document Type
Degree Name
Master of Science
Degree Discipline
The public school systems of America have, in many of its aspects, been greatly improved during recent years, along with these improvements, and as a part of them. The adequate operation and care of school plants is responsible work that requires the services of a new-type of intelligent janitor with specialized training. The old conception of the school janitor will no longer suffice. The work of the new janitor assumes a dignity commensurate with the responsibility for the care of valuable public property and efficient work of the school.
The rapid evolution of janitorial service from comparatively simple, non-skilled work to that of the skilled and technical type has come so unobtrusively £hat school authorities are as yet but vaguely^ aware of the change, The janitor-engineer of today must be a skilled mechanic, capable of operating machinery and keeping it in proper condition for use. He must be able to handle efficiently furnaces, thermostats, electric motors, gas engines, ventilating equipment, electrical systems, central vacuum cleaning systems, electric scrubbing machines, and the like. The economy dictates that expensive equipment should be properly used and should receive the care which its cost and usefulness warrant.
This new janitor largely determines the housekeeping standards of the school building. He is to the school what the housekeeper is to the home. It is the writer's belief that an efficient school janitor will keep his building in order • That marks on the wall or dirt and paper on the premises will challenge his pride. He will believe that "cleanliness is next to godliness," and he will desire to do everything possible to put this precept into practice. That is the proper reaction, because children mil then become imbued with the spirit of tidiness and cleanliness, and cooperate with the janitor in keeping the environment neat and clean. Moreover, it is reasonable to assume that if habits of cleanliness and tidiness are learned in school by pupils these habits will carry over to, and become a part of, after-school life. On the other hand, failure to keep the school premises clean and tidy may affect the development of good habits on the part of the pupils.
Prairie View Agricultural and Mechanical College
© 2021 Prairie View A & M University
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Date of Digitization
Contributing Institution
John B Coleman Library
City of Publication
Prairie View
Recommended Citation
Daviss, T. R. (1949). A Study Of Janitorial Services Used In Accredited Negro High Schools In The State Of Texas. Retrieved from