Date of Award
Document Type
Undergraduate Thesis
Degree Name
Bachelor of Science
Degree Discipline
The term "delinquent children" has been subject to a variety of interpretations. A popular conception has been inclined to limit it to those who are slaves to crime and malicious dees. There are some books on delinquent children which deal primarily with those who are mentally retarded. In, truth, however, the term may be considered much more comprehensive than one or both of thses usages would imply. It is in broad sense that the term "delinquent children" is used increasingly in educational thought. Such children are all bound together by the tie of being different, so different that they need special educational consideration. They require special facilities and special currucular provisions, if their latent powers are to be developed to a maximum capacity for their own happiness and for the social welfare of the community and of the nation which they form a part. The organization of the state and city school system frequently places the all under the same general administrative direction. In the summer of 1932 a letter was sent to two hundred counties in Texas and twenty seven publishing companies, indicating the project which was under way and requesting information or announcements of books published which might be considered as a source of material for this thesis. Likewise, a postal card was sent to forty-eight states and fifty-nine city superintendents of schools, asking for a bulletin or other material describing a program for delinquent children. Contacts were similarly made with educational and psychological organization interested in various types of delinquent children, for example: The Rotary club, Los Angeles, California; The State Department of Public Welfare, Springfield, Illinois; Board of Control of State Institutions, Des Moines, Iowa; and the Joint Committee on Methods of Preventing Delinquency, New York City, New York. The purpose of this thesis is to present some method of dealing with the delinquent children, that in future years their problems will be less of a burden to both the teacher and the parent.
Committee Chair/Advisor
A. M. Porter Wilson
Prairie View State College
© 2021 Prairie View A & M University
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Date of Digitization
Contributing Institution
John B Coleman Library
City of Publication
Prairie View
Recommended Citation
Spriggs, A. E. (1932). Some of the Means of Caring for Delinquent Children in Secondary Schools. Retrieved from