Date of Award
Document Type
Degree Name
Master of Science in Education
Degree Discipline
Since non-attendance has been regarded as a nation-wide problem, existing to some degree in every school district, it has been felt that a local study of Waller County should be made to determine some of the factors contributing to non-attendance. To this effect, the problem has necessarily involved the study of (1) factors contributing to nonattendance in a selected number of elementary schools of Waller County, (2) the basic reason for these factors, and (3) some general recommendations for reducing these factors contributing to non-attendance.
The schools selected for this study were Negro elementary schools. Throughout the period of their history, the nonattendance problem has been present. Therefore, any effort toward the solution of this problem must be of vital concern to these schools.
Even a casual examination of the literature would indicate the importance of a careful study of non-attendance in that its existence may be regarded as a real problem for the school.
It has also been felt that a study of this type should contribute more directly to the solution of a problem that has been particularly applicable to a large number of consolidated and semi-rural school districts.
This study has included four elementary schools of Waller County; all of which are in independent school districts. Furthermore, it has been felt that these schools should be included in the study because of their interest and willingness to cooperate by making their resources immediately available and supplying such data as would be needed for a study of this type. To this effect, principals, classroom teachers, school supervisor, school nurse, parents and students of the various school communities have contributed valuable data for this study.
Committee Chair/Advisor
J. W. Echols
Committee Member
C. A. Wood
Committee Member
H. T. Jones
Committee Member
Hattie M. Flowers
Committee Member
Carl C. Weems
Prairie View A&M College
© 2021 Prairie View A & M University
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.
Date of Digitization
Contributing Institution
John B Coleman Library
City of Publication
Prairie View
Recommended Citation
Tramble, M. M. (1957). An Analysis of Factors Contributing to Non-Attendance in a Selected Number of Elementary Schools in Waller County. Retrieved from