Date of Award
Document Type
Degree Name
Master of Science
Degree Discipline
Today the American high schools are being called upon, as never before, for a greater efficiency and for a superior product. The growing enrollments, the rising cost of education, and the mounting criticisms that always occur following a war are causing the public schools to take stock of themselves. These schools are expected to be the source of that type of citizenry which is capable of coping with the problems of our rapidly changing society. Therefore our schools must know where they are going, must possess the means of getting there, and also must possess the instruments that can determine when they have arrived. All of these phases of education must be accomplished by our schools with efficiency and dispatch.
Basic to developing this superior citizenry for our rapidly changing society is an acceptable usage of English for the ability to write effectively, the ability to speak correctly, to spell correctly, and to read with rapidity and understanding serve as one group of criteria for determining the success of a school1 s work. With rising enrollments and a decreasing supply of teachers, our schools are compelled to seek means of performing their functions more efficiently within the framework of these limitations. Therefore all devices, techniques and instruments that will enable the school to meet this challenge of society for better-prepared students while still facing the handicaps of large classes and limited teaching staff, must be increasingly used. To this end the Dunbar High School of Ferris, Texas, has been studying its program, its instructional methods, and the progress of its students and graduates.
Committee Chair/Advisor
Edwyna Offutt Wheadon
Committee Member
Edwyna Offutt Wheadon
Prairie View A&M College
© 2021 Prairie View A & M University
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.
Date of Digitization
Contributing Institution
John B Coleman Library
City of Publication
Prairie View
Recommended Citation
Mcdonald, L. M. (1948). An Error Analysis Of The Result Of An Achievement Test In English Given At Dunbar High School, Ferris, Texas, 1947-1948. Retrieved from