An Economic Study of Sixty Negro Farmers in Burleson County, Texas
The Economic study of the sixty Negro Farmers in Burleson, County, Texas was found to be a most unusual one. It is found that the Economic Status is far below the County on a whole. Their equipment is very limited, also the land, capital, and management are found to be limited. In making this survey the writer hopes to do a better Job with the Adult classes and the New Farmers of America in his community.
The economic and social well-being of people of an area is largely determined by the amount and nature of their available resources in relation to the population. Lack of Economic and Social well-being in an area is indicative of either an inadequate supply of natural resources or improper utilization of them. In an agricultural area the economic and social well-being is reflected in a large measure in farm dwellings, in farm and home conveniences, in kinds and conditions of roads and land usage. It is often said that Negro farms have a limited amount of resources, make little money, and will remain in the low economic class.
The purpose of this study is to investigate the forces influencing and determining the Economic Status of Negro farms in Burleson County, Texas. The writer hopes to find out what types of farming are being carried on and what is produced on the farms. Also to estimate the extent of farming operations among Negroes in the communities studied.
Sixty Negro farms, representing four areas of Burleson County were studied in gathering information for this report. The farms were not picked, but selected at random, representing owners, renters and part-owners.
The questionaire survey form was used to gather the information needed for compilition of this report. The information was obtained by making personal visits to each of the sixty farms studied. The writer chose this procedure in preference to mailing forms in order to be able to determine, first hand, the extent of the individual farm enterprises. These visits were made during the month of April, 1956.