Date of Award
Document Type
Undergraduate Thesis
Degree Name
Bachelor of Science
Degree Discipline
My purpose for making this survey is twofold: First, because of my keen interest in physical education; second, to provide accurate data which may be of some service as a basis for the physical education program. My method of survey is observation and personal interview. This was accomplished by visiting the different public schools, observing the physical education classes and talking with the physical education instructors. The survey includes a study of the qualifications of the teacher, the methods she uses, physical education equipment, and the activities of six colored public schools of Austin, Texas. This includes four elementary schools and two secondary schools, namely: Olive Street, Gregory, Rosewood, Brackenridge, Kealing Junior High, and Anderson High School. In order that this thesis might be clear to those who read it, I shall define the term, physical education. Physical education is that phase of the whole process of education which is concerned with big muscles and related responses and with the modifications of the individual resulting from these responses.
Committee Chair/Advisor
Majorie A. Johnson
Committee Member
Bernice Brown
Committee Member
Bernice Brown
Prairie View State Normal And Industrial College
© 2021 Prairie View A & M University

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Date of Digitization
Contributing Institution
John B Coleman Library
City of Publication
Prairie View
Recommended Citation
Scott, B. L. (1937). A Survey of The Physical Education In The Colored Public Schools Of Austin, Texas February 1937. Retrieved from