Date of Award
Document Type
Degree Name
Master of Science
Degree Discipline
There has not been much research done as to the analysis of health textbooks on the secondary level mostly due to the fact that there was little instruction of health on this level.
Simultaneously, emphasis upon college and vocational preparation coupled with the incusion upon the basic curriculum by numerous other subjects and activities have managed to preclude the offerings of well-planned and complete courses of health instruction for all boys and girls. While the importance of the first mention these factors--college and vocation preparation—- cannot be denied. Capitulation to the demands of the latter to the point of denial of health Instruction has been and remains, inexcusable. Because there are few special trained teachers in health as to the varied problems of the student at this stage of life, (secondary level) There should be an adequate textbook to serve as a guide to the teacher and student, to give health the importance of the other or equal importance to other courses and to give the student knowledge and motivation of his problems. The investigator is pursuing this study because she feels the students at this level many times terminate their education at the high school level, leaving being unprepared in the knowledge of health for adulthood. If there are adequate textbooks to help them with their problems of the transition from adolescent to adulthood they would be happier individuals thus a happier world. With more investigation In health education in the schools, health can be placed equal with the other courses as it should he. The investigator hopes this analysis will be a factor in other investigations.
Committee Chair/Advisor
N. J. Johnson
Committee Member
C» A. Wood
Committee Member
C» A. Wood
Committee Member
G. H. Ragland
Prairie View Agricultural and Mechanical College
© 2021 Prairie View A & M University
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Date of Digitization
Contributing Institution
John B Coleman Library
City of Publication
Prairie View
Recommended Citation
Bigsby Brown, L. L. (1963). An Analysis Of The Content Of Available Health Textbooks. Retrieved from